FarmVille Game Cards And A Big Gulp From 7-Eleven

FarmVille Game Cards And A Big Gulp From 7-Eleven

Tempted To Buy A FarmVille Game Card Read This First

Zynga has been selling FarmVille game cards in 7-Eleven, Target, and other outlets for awhile now. Farmville game players can buy these cards, and then use them as in-game Farm Cash or Farm Coins. Before you rush off to buy a FarmVille game card and a Big Gulp you should read this first.

Now I must admit that this is an excellent decision on Zynga’s part. Putting the cards in prominent positions in stores make it an easy snap purchased. Who is going to notice the extra cost among a basket of goodies. I applaud them for this unique game marketing idea and I am sure they have made many sales from FarmVille players.

If you are happy and have cash to buy the FarmVille game cards, then it is certainly a convenience that will help you in your game.

However, you are still paying real money for cash and coins that you could earn in the game for free.

My theory is why pay for things you can get for free right?

 Click here to find out how the pros do it

Find out what secrets the top FarmVille game gurus use to:

  • Level up at top speed
  • Get all the best animals and trees
  • Know which the best crops are and which to avoid like the plague

All while earning (for free) all the FarmVille Coins and Cash they need.

Sounds like something we all need in this game!

Before buying FarmVille Game Cards read this post about  FarmVille Secrets and find out how you can try it for 60 days on your farm.

Find out all the secrets the game guru’s have been doing to get a perfect farm and start working on yours tonight.